Awaken The Awesome
A down-to-earth approach to personal growth. Helping individuals just like you learn about tapping into their incredible potential through insightful interviews and inspiring lessons. Our mission is to encourage you to always keep pushing towards achieving your dreams and to stay awesome along the way.

Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
The story I thought I'd never get the courage to tell on this platform.
Everything happens in due time.
With the hopes that my journey helps someone who needs to hear it.
Enjoy. #ATATribe #StayAwesome
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Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
What defines a Champion?
The Scoreboard?
The endless training and practice sessions?
The high-level expectations we put on ourselves?
The ferocious dedication to our craft bred from a very early age through our family legacy?
The clear sense of direction we've sharpened over the years?
...or is it something else?
I don't have the answers. But fortunately, through a journey marked by ambition, resilience, discipline and personal struggles, my next guest, Neyssa Etienne, is firmly suited to provide a few.
Having accomplished so much as trailblazer for Women's Tennis in her native Haiti, as a local Champion, as well as abroad, all the way the Sydney Olympics, a tip of the hat is certainly due.
One could also say that old habits are hard to kill, as we were graced with Neyssa's dominating presence on the court as the only female player at the recent 2020 Edition of the Profin Open Tennis Championship that took place last November. Indeed, when you decide to come out of retirement after more than 10 years, making a statement is undeniable.
This was a special one. As life does happen, you lose sight of people and time just passes by. But when you purposely reconnect after 20yrs, you'd be surprised how truly precious time can be.
On this episode, Neyssa very candidly opens up about the critical role parents play in one's journey towards greatness, the importance of discipline, knowing your priorities, never backing down from a challenge, paving the way...and so much more.
An incredible conversation, which I do hope you'll enjoy.
You can connect with Neyssa via Instagram
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#StayAwesome #ATATribe

Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
As one of the original guests of this podcast, it's always a refreshing opportunity to welcome back Emmanuelle Georges on the program.
As a Certified Life Coach, established Professional Speaker and seasoned podcaster, Emmy is one of those individuals who do not shy away from owning your personal truth and leaning into your purpose.
With a sense of service and a will to empower not only her clients, but also herself through her various programs, workshops and online content, you'd be hard-pressed to find a more inspiring spirit.
Being such a driven and focused person, she was definitely the appropriate source to tap into for a hands-on, no BS, jam-packed conversation on setting impactful, purposeful and successful goals.
On this episode, we dive into the importance of practical and efficient goal-setting, being comfortable in dealing with our uncomfortable feelings, filtering out the relationships in our lives...and so much more.
You can connect with Emmanuelle via Instagram and be sure to subscribe to her wildly impactful Nannan Podcast.
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#StayAwesome #ATATribe

Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Solo Episode.
Nobody owes you anything.
What are you accepting to tolerate?
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#StayAwesome #ATATribe

Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
What do avocados, distributed ledger technology and purposeful dedication have in common?
I struggled a lot in my last years of high school as well as throughout College. What resulted was that even though I am a strong advocate for Academia, for the longest time, I carried a strong sense of personal underachievement compared to individuals who maximised their academic potential, opportunities and endeavours in order to accomplish some pretty incredible things.
This is definitely something that caught my eye when I came across an interview my next guest gave on another podcast and the level of knowledge, expertise and overall sense of purpose that she was so powerfully and eloquently sharing left me floored.
Originally from Haiti, Genevieve Leveille, is the principal founder and CEO of AgriLedger, a blockchain solution which has been used to support and allow Haitian fruit farmers, customers, and families to reap the benefits of fairer prices and improved food security.
An innovative entrepreneur, global speaker and technology maven, with a background in corporate and institutional banking, she has more than 25 years’ experience dealing with large corporations and banks in financial supply chain optimization. With a reputation for the delivery of disruptive technologies in large-scale projects, Genevieve is recognized as an authority in the realm of digital identity and financial transformation. Exploring the powers of distributed ledger technologies (DLT) for over three years, her work in the financial inclusion for Africa is well known.
She serves as the vice-chair for the techUK Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) Working Group, an organization that provides strategic direction for all UK activities related to blockchain and DLT and is an inaugural member of the Advisory Group for the Estonian Government’s eResidency initiative for the digital identity. She has spoken on emerging technologies at numerous high-profile conferences around the world.
I can't tell you how incredibly intimidated it felt to sit across such a guest with such an incredible pedigree.
On this episode, I go back to school - literally - as Genevieve's wealth of information and expertise shed some light on issues that hit close to home for me, specifically the ways in which we as everyday consumers have our role to play in the global food supply chain, the new technologies ensuring fair compensation for farmers and distributors, as well her incredible example of resilience and singular purpose...this was an incredible interview to start out the year.
You can connect with Genevieve via Linkedin as well as her official website
You can download the MP3 for this episode by right-clicking here and choosing "Save As"
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#StayAwesome #ATATribe

Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Just taking the time to show gratitude and celebrate that journey for how far it's come and how far it will go.
Thank you to every single one of you for the continued support.
"It's not over until I win." - Les Brown
You can download the MP3 for this episode by right-clicking here and choosing "Save As"
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#StayAwesome #ATATribe

Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Every time I hit 'Publish' and an episode gets released into The Universe, I often take pause - and realize that it's still there. I'm talking about that wonderful sense of excitement, gratitude, and respect that has always characterized every one of these amazing interviews.
It's a humbling thing to realize that, behind the achievements, the celebrity, the notoriety, the expertise, if one is willing to humble yourself and listen, you have the opportunity to get to know an incredible human being.
Today's guest is no different.
I had been a big fan of my next guest for a really long time as I greatly admired this warrior's journey.
As a back-to-back CrossFit Games World Cup Champion(2012, 2013) Michael Cazayoux is no stranger to the importance of one's mindset when overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles.
As a Coach, being well-accustomed to the unique process of self-examination, he specializes in helping clients “get out of their own way” by identifying self-limiting beliefs and ineffective behaviors. He could certainly draw from personal experience as at the age of 17, Michael moved from a small town in Louisiana to Utah for drug rehabilitation to overcome his addiction to opiates. It was that experience that led him to fall in love with CrossFit and most importantly helping others on a personal level through coaching and mentoring.
In 2014, Michael co-founded Brute Strength, a company that specializes in developing physical training programs for athletes. Over the years, he has coached A-List NFL and MLB players as well as CrossFit Games athletes in everything from power and speed development to injury prevention, nutrition and mindset.
He also started the Brute Strength Podcast(which was recently rebranded as The Michael Caz Podcast) where he’s interviewed many of the biggest names in health and fitness and has reached nearly 5 million downloads.
In 2015, Michael met his wife, Adee, founder/CEO of Working Against Gravity(WAG),an online nutrition consulting program dedicated to helping athletes and everyday people transform their lives.
Having sold Brute Strength to his business partner in 2018, Michael is now acting full-time president of WAG where he currently focuses on marketing, leadership and nutrition coaching..
On this impactful episode, Michael shares his incredible perspective on commitment, acceptance, compassion, parenting, dedication and so much more. A jam-packed episode, which I do hope you'll enjoy.
You can connect with Michael via Instagram as well the WAG official website.

Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
I was pretty much convinced that this conversation was going to be about Fitness, Nutrition, Breath Work and healthy habits.Seeing as how my next guest's expertise revolves around these topics, you'd be forgive for assuming that it'd be an easy fit for a conversation.However, as these things do, 5mn into it...those assumptions took a Swan Dive out the window.This is why I'm always honest when I tell people I never really know where these conversations are gonna go even when I hit Record. And today's exchange can serve as yet another example as to why that's actually a good thing.As a High Performance, Breath & Strength Coach, Cam MacDougall and I had never actually met before this call. But as soon as we got into it, I was introduced to a guy with a troubled past, a colourful journey, some pretty liberating truths as well as a sense of purpose I had never experienced before.Filled with an honest, vulnerable account of his journey, wise observations, lessons learned from his 'blemishes'(not 'mistakes') and incredibly palpable Love for others...this conversation was a special one.On this episode, we talk about recognizing the signs when your environment no longer serves you, redefining masculinity, acceptance of others but most importantly yourself, and so much more.
You can connect with Cam via Instagram as well as his official website.

Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
One thing about success that we can all surely agree on is that despite the fact that you can go at it alone, it sure helps if you can rely on someone with the knowledge and experience to guide you and make your journey a bit smoother along the way.
As my next guest will tell you, this is especially relevant in the realm of professional sports where so many of our youths too often find themselves blindsided by the allure of fame and glory without factoring in some other aspects that come into play such as character and accountability.
Coach Raymond Ndjonok Tonye has a comprehensive and unique personal as well as professional background. From being an elite Canadian student-athlete who earned a full athletic scholarship to attend the University of Northern Colorado and play NCAA Division I Football, he knows firsthand how the power of sports can influence a person's life when approached with the right plan, structure and mindset.
A captivating public speaker, student-athlete, mentor, coach and strength and condition specialist certified through the National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA), Coach Ray is the Founder and Managing Director of the XC10 Sports & Leadership Center, where his 20+ years of experience in a competitive sports environment as a student-athlete, coach and mentor have proven as quite essential tools in both understanding as well as catering to the goals, perspectives and reality of student-athletes and their parents alike.
On this episode, Coach Ray shares his insights on navigating the delicate balance between ego and humility, his unshakeable commitment to his students-athletes, recognizing the importance of academics just as much as athletics, accountability both on and off the field, the importance of making your bed...and so much more.
You can connect with Coach Ray via Instagram as well as his official website.

Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
One of the recurring themes that has come out of this time off that the COVID-19 pandemic has imposed on us is that a lot of people have used this newfound free time to explore facets of their creative impulses that they otherwise wouldn't have.
It's no secret that the those in the Creative Arts have been severely affected by current events. However, as my next guest has demonstrated, one cannot restrain the creative urge, pandemic be damned.
Isaac Alvarez is a commercial photographer, director, and artist based in Los Angeles, California.
His immense love of photographing people has lead him to work with some of the top public relations firms in Beverly Hills.
Well known for his dramatic portraits that resonate emotions, his images offers viewers a powerful insight into the lives of his subjects. While his images are often on the edge of any situation, photographing the situation is not nearly as interesting as photographing the edges of human emotions.
Isaac specializes in portrait and commercial photography with a touch of fashion and editorial. His photographs have appeared in various media including magazines, posters, commercials, billboards, catalogs, and advertising materials.
On this short, yet very candid and energetic episode, Isaac inspires us with his words of truth as he encourages us to believe in ourselves, put in the effort, relying on our team and daring to be impactful along our journey of growth and impact.
Make sure to follow and show some love for Isaac's wonderful #HearMe Movement portrait series, aimed at spreading positivity through a simple message captured on a video call.
I want to thank Isaac for his gracious time and availability as he took our call while actually on set of his on ongoing "Making A Portrait" interview/documentary series where he gives us a front-row seat to the creative and production process of making his incredible portraits - while interviewing his subjects at the same time.
You can connect with Isaac via Instagram as well as his official website.
You can download the MP3 for this episode by right-clicking here and choosing "Save As"