Awaken The Awesome
A down-to-earth approach to personal growth. Helping individuals just like you learn about tapping into their incredible potential through insightful interviews and inspiring lessons. Our mission is to encourage you to always keep pushing towards achieving your dreams and to stay awesome along the way.

Friday Jan 14, 2022
Friday Jan 14, 2022
Welcome back Awesome Tribe!
On this solo episode -
Learning to accept that help is not a bad thing and that you need to how/when/where to properly allocate your time and energy.
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Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
I don't know who coined it but I'm pretty sure many of you have heard about the often stated notion that public speaking ranks incredibly high on most people lists of greatest fears.I'm not too versed on the statistics but if we're going to take this as a fact, then we can agree that there's a particular category of public speakers that most certainly hold their own as modern day Spartans in this arena.I've always admired stand up comics. Not just for the sheer audacity and courage it must take to show your face to a group of people who whether they know it or not, are armed and able to skewer and decimate not just your material, but also your mental strength, resilience and self-esteem.It's a career path that by all comparisons, when you deconstruct it, could be considered lunacy. But, if you're a fan like me, you cannot set aside the incredible sense of pride one must have for the craft to literally put it all out on the line and chase your dream. Such is the kind of dedication and skill that has undoubtedly been at the core of my next guest's notable 30-yr career in the business. As a former police officer, Kevin Jordan found out quickly that he preferred making people laugh. His unique blend of high energy and lovable charm make him a favorite wherever he performs. His stories of his days as a police officer, a family man, and his everyday view on life never fail to draw huge laughs from his audiences.A much sought-after entertainer, Kevin thrills audiences at comedy clubs, colleges, corporate functions, and venues in all fifty states. He is also a headlining comedian for every major cruise line. Most notably, Kevin has had the privilege to perform over 5000 shows for the USO and the troops worldwide.Kevin has appeared on “The Today Show,” Comedy Central, “Showtime at the Apollo,” and many other notable network and media outlets.As of this recording, his recent Dry Bar Comedy special has amassed an incredible 5.8 million views on YouTube.He is also the author of a "When The Streetlights Come On", a wonderful collection of funny, nostalgic and heartwarming stories pulled from a time before Facebook and when there was a difference school clothes and play clothes...On this episode, Kevin and I share a heartfelt, energy-filled conversation, where he shares some incredible and gut-busting stories & useful insights on longevity, knowing your craft, taking chances, seeing the humor all around us...and so much more.Another exciting conversation which I do hope you'll enjoy.
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Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Welcome back Awesome Tribe!
On this solo episode -
One of the MAJOR and necessary steps you MUST make in order to elevate.
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Friday Dec 17, 2021
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Welcome back Awesome Tribe!
I'm actually incredibly excited to share today's episode with you all.
It sounds foolish but the humility and focus that goes into each of these episodes sometimes pulls me away from the obvious - when you do good and send kindness into The Universe, people do notice and incredible things tend to happen.
This 'A.T.A' adventure started from nothing - yet, here we are. Still here. Still connecting with incredible guests, having deeper and more meaningful conversations, bringing you the knowledge and insights that I believe will best serve you...and of course being grateful for your amazing support along the way.
As we near the end of 2021 and use this year-end tradition to reflect on the year that's been, you guys know it's never easy to decide who I'm going to willingly choose to hand over the 'keys to the Castle' to as I subject myself to the 'Hot Seat'.
Fortunately, trust is something Erika Darbouze and I certainly agree on.
I've certainly had a tremendous respect for Erika's work as the dedicated CEO & Founder of Haiti's Corner. Her expertise as a Digital Marketing Strategist has certainly been essential in her mission to introduce the Haitian culture to the world by providing export marketing services to Haitian manufacturers. This with the hopes to eventually place Haitian brands in stores around the world. With such a powerful mission on her plate, it's safe to say that Erika knows how to take on a challenge.
When a random follow on Instagram gives birth to such a genuine and heartfelt friendship, I was thrilled when she didn't flinch and graciously accepted to take the reins as the guest-Host.
From avid listener and loyal supporter, to having been a guest herself, Erika admittedly humbled me on this one. And I do not say this lightly. As you'll soon get to hear, through laughter, heart and some incredible attention to detail, she skillfully provided the necessary space for me to dive into the uncomfortable past, acknowledge the powerful present and rejoice for the upcoming future.
You can connect with Erika via Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin as well the Haiti's Corner official website.
A real gem of an episode - which I do hope you'll enjoy.
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Friday Dec 10, 2021
Friday Dec 10, 2021
If you're a local quebecer, the name Rubino just might ring a bell seeing as it's one of the most recognizable brands in Quebec.
With its founder, Vincenzo Rubino, diving into the footwear industry some 35 years ago, RUBINO SHOES has since become a landmark as the best option to get branded shoes at the best value.
With a culture rooted in authenticity as well as inclusivity, and with Vincenzo's children having now taken the reins, the company continues to push forward in its mission to be the go-to destination for affordable branded-only footwear by creating a fun, friendly and pressure-free experience for its customers.
I want to make one thing clear : this is not a paid advertisement.
I was incredibly honored to welcome Mr Angelo Rubino, Vice-President of RUBINO SHOES, as I had become an avid listener of his own podcast aptly named "Un Espresso avec Angelo".
Having listened to a couple(...Ok, a LOT!) of episodes, I discovered an individual who, despite my own preconceived notions of the High-Profile businessman, just happened to be quite the fun guy.
Turns out Businesspeople are people too.
Like the rest of us, they have goals, dreams, values and as you'll learn through this revealing conversation - they also have their fair share of personal struggles.
On this episode, Angelo and I touch on the importance of putting values at the core of your business, giving back to the community, staying humble, owning up to your dark side and a special philanthropic venture near and dear to his heart...
You can connect with Angelo via LinkedIn & Instagram
Another impactful conversation, which I do hope you'll enjoy.
**Please do show your much needing support by purchasing a bag a Café Grains d'Espoir, as proceeds go to local organizations doing incredible work providing treatment and support services for those battling with Addiction in and around the Greater Montreal Area.
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Friday Dec 03, 2021
Friday Dec 03, 2021
I'm going to say this outright even though know it'll raise a few eyebrows: Money matters.
Coming from a country where the differences between the 'Haves' and the 'Have Nots' were so obvious, I was very well acquainted with the importance of setting yourself up for a proper financial future.
Which is why, for this particular episode, I wanted to find someone that I believe would provide the proper vantage point as well as appropriate insight to help me drive this point home.
Having emigrated from his native India to the United States with his parents when he was just 3 years old, Rocky Lalvani has seen firsthand what it looks like to build a wealthy lifestyle out of nothing through saving, investing, and spending wisely.
Rocky serves as a Chief Profitability Adviser for business owners and is the founder of Profit Comes First. He teaches financial planning and growing one's wealth because that’s what he's done and he doesn't want you to make the same mistakes he's made.
Having personally experienced what it takes to achieve the American Dream, Rocky reminds us that Money is a tool. It can open countless doors if managed well. Without understanding money, he admits that his father would not have been able to sustain a family in America. His mission as a Financial Coach, simply put, is to help you build an abundant life.
He is also a happily married father of two as well as the host of two successful podcasts : Richer Soul and The Profit Answer Man podcast.
I really enjoyed this conversation. Simply because it was so fun to sit across from someone so incredibly knowledgeable of the topic yet with the down-to-earth demeanor as well as humility to bring some useful concepts down to a digestible level.
Another exciting conversation which I do hope you'll enjoy.
You can connect with Rocky by visiting his website or following him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. & Linkedin.
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Friday Nov 19, 2021
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Today's guest is something of a powerhouse.
Indeed, Petrona Joseph has carried numerous titles and prestigious positions to her name such as being the celebrated voice behind the SlayedItMontreal Fashion & Lifestyle blog. She also served as VP of Marketing for Montreal Caribbean Fashion Week while also being named one of Montreal’s 100 Most Influential Women.
She is also a published Author and fierce Mental Health Advocate, demystifying mental illness in the Black Community.
Because of the current context in which we find ourselves with the COVID-19 pandemic, border-crossing restrictions, social interactions slowly readjusting - I know that a lot of us are deal with their fair share of Mental overwhelm. Which is why I've purposely been talking a lot about Mental Health, Anxiety, Depression and related issues for a couple of episodes now.
Petrona uses her influence to create an open and honest dialogue around destigmatizing mental health, making her one of the most sought-after speakers on the topic in North America.
A true standout individual not just for her bright and sparkling personality but also, and most importantly, for the incredible amount of work she has done and continues to do as she chooses to use her own story of personal struggle with severe depression and anxiety to serve as a beacon of light for those of us still in the dark.
I want to thank Petrona for her time and humbling vulnerability. Giving us the strength to look in the mirror - and smile...genuinely, freely and courageously.
You can connect with Petrona through her various outlets around the web such as Facebook or Instagram.
Be sure to grab a copy of her latest book "Stigmatized: Breaking the Silence and Demystifying Mentall Illness" available now on Amazon.
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Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
I cannot tell a lie. Today's guest really intimidated me at first.
Thing is, having been a sub-par student in a past life, I often find myself dealing with a bit of insecurity when I realize the level of accomplishment, both academic as well as professional, that many of my guests have under their belts.
Call me foolish but it's still something I find myself struggling with at times. I've done a reasonably good job of keeping this subtle Impostor Syndrome at bay. But sometimes, you get to exchange with someone who is so accomplished and a literal force to be reckoned with, you have an urge to sit up straight because you know there's going to be some serious knowledge coming your way.
In that regard, I can tell you that Eloïse Gagnon did NOT disappoint.
An entrepreneur for over 20 years and an international corporate lawyer for more than 15, Eloïse has worked alongside business leaders from around the world, leading her own 7 and 8 figure businesses along the way.
Eloïse’s ownership approach to leadership and culture is responsible for countless clients redefining what’s possible and shattering glass ceilings. She’s been featured in some of the world’s leading publications, including Authority Magazine and Thrive Global.
This conversation both moved and impacted me in so many ways. From Eloïse's incredibly warm and vulnerable sense of truth, to her resonating message of courage and ownership, this was a reminder of why we aim to bring these incredible individuals and their stories to you.
On this episode, we discuss the importance of recognizing your incredible potential, defining your purpose(because we all have one), learning to get comfortable with our discomfort...and some many life-altering truths...this is one to take notes, guys - trust me.
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Also, be sure to signup for her "UNWAVERING" audio course where Eloïse's no-nonsense and result-oriented approach could be the necessary springboard to catapult you towards the next Level on your incredible journey.
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Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Haven't made a episode in awhile.
Felt appropriate to bring these observations to you as I had been dealing with my own fair share of mental exhaustion hence my obvious absence from the interwebs.
Hope that these words find you well and that you can find them useful, however small.
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Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
It's been a long time Tribe, and I hope you will forgive this necessary hiatus as I have had to handle some personal matters and take some needed time off the radar.
Excited to be back in the lab, ready to bring you yet another powerful conversation with another Awesome guest.
With a noticeably infectious energy and an explosive appetite to connect with his fellow human being, I could not help but just LOVE Robert Wise since our first conversation.
Robert is one of those chaps that is SO full of genuine love, care and empathy, you can't it help but just be humbled and ready to reciprocate.
Robert is the Founder and President of Robert Wise Coaching. As a high performing Sales & Mentor Coach, specializing Executive Coaching, Team Coaching, Sales Training and Company Wellness Workshops, he helps businesses (no matter how big or small) figure out the shortcomings of their current process and create a pragmatic action plan to help them achieve their goals.
As a fellow podcaster, author and Motivational Speaker, this guy is such a gem of a human being - seriously. His passion for listening, opening up his heart and expertise to create the necessary space for just being a helping hand and welcome ear to listen to is a powerful testament to his generosity.
He is also the founder of the RISE Anxiety & Depression Clinic where he and his diverse network of psychologists, psychotherapists, social workers and certified coaches provide help for anxiety, stress, depression and much more.
On this episode, we touch on vulnerability, admitting and acknowledging our fears, connecting with our inner child, and a fun exchange between to avid fans of Archie comics.
You can connect with Robert through his various outlets around the web such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or his main Website.
Also, be sure to tune in and Subscribe to his YouTube Channel, as well his podcast: The Wise Way To Success.
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