Awaken The Awesome
A down-to-earth approach to personal growth. Helping individuals just like you learn about tapping into their incredible potential through insightful interviews and inspiring lessons. Our mission is to encourage you to always keep pushing towards achieving your dreams and to stay awesome along the way.

Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
Solo Episode. Your dreams better find you working. Less dreaming, more doing.

Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
I think that in this day and age where so many are trying to broadcast the most pristine image of themselves, being yourself could be regarded as act of bravery.
The thing that has always stood out from all the conversations I've had with my next guest is the unwavering sense of clear authenticity that she never fails to express.
With an energy aligned with her infectious smile, Taïna Jecrois happens to be one those powerful yet humble souls you'd be foolish not to acknowledge.
A fierce entrepreneur and a woman of many talents, Taïna has taken advantage of her extensive experience in the event planning industry, as she now owns and runs TJ Events PR, a public relations firm specializing in event planning, communication and social media strategy. She is also an active blogger, published author, radio host on Montreal's 102.3FM(Radio Centre-Ville) and talented speaker.
On this episode, Taïna shares her incredible insights on the importance of branding, the need for authenticity both on and offline, practical Social Media tips, staying true to your individuality...and so much more.
You can connect with Taïna via Facebook, Instagram, as well as her official website.

Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
I have a thing for Champions. People who, on their singular journeys, do not shy away from what is often regarded as 'hard' or 'difficult'. Be it to achieve a chosen goal, or define their sense of purpose, champions know that to get the prize requires a series of processes, tactics, strategies, trials, errors and lessons to be mastered and applied.
Having all the attributes of a winner, my next guest, Terrie Schauer, is no stranger to these familiar waters as her incredible resumé speaks for itself:
As a successful Real Estate Investor, Terrie is an inspiring canadian success story, having spent more than half her life skillfully managing various rental properties.
As a passionate Coach & Speaker, Terrie is a firm advocate that passive income brought on by the knowledgeable management of an investment property allows for security and financial stability many simply do not have. She aims to guide others on this path through a variety of educational resources from online courses, regular workshops and practical newsletters.
Always about serving and paying it forward, Terrie also shares her incredible insight in her book "Mindful Landlord - How To Run Rental Property for Profit and Piece of Mind" which you should definitely check out.
As if that weren't impressive enough, Terrie is also a kick-ass Martial Artist, having won the world Jiu-jitsu championship not once...but twice.
It's an honor to host such an outstanding guest on the podcast.
Another exciting conversation which I hope you'll enjoy.
You can connect with Terrie via Facebook, Instagram, as well as her official website.

Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Who you choose to allow into your circle has a direct, undeniable impact on your overall process, mindset, and energy.
This is still a work in progress for me as I learn to navigate around the habits, processes, and people that are instrumental to this overall mission.
In that regard, it is definitely a blessing when you can surround yourself with like-minded, talented individuals the likes of my next guest who never fail to lead by example on their own path towards achieving greatness through undeniable skill and consistent effort.
I've known Richard Lecoin for a well over 20+ yrs and even though I have yet to follow-up on my word and make it down to his sunny neck of the woods, his kindness and warm-hearted nature have made it so he doesn't hold it against me.
An amazing photographer, his body work has been featured in many well-known publications, with a client-list that keeps stretching as his reputation and notoriety cannot be ignored.
But don't just take my word for it - take a look at his Instagram feed to witness what happens when experience speaks with heart, curiosity and a willingness to keep pushing the creative envelope.
Despite the grueling demands of the trade, Richard still finds time to be the dedicated husband and committed father that I know him to be.
On this conversation, two fellow warriors get to catch up as Richard and I discuss on the importance of staying disciplined, accepting the often overlooked costs of success, creating balance and not letting the 'noise' distract you.
You can connect with Richard via Instagram.
For bookings - contact info :

Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
I admire people who make no apologies for who they are and what their core values represent.
These people, in my opinion, are the ones who are vulnerable enough to sing their own song to their own tune yet have the patience and empathy to stop, look and listen to what the world has to say.
Mo'Lanee Sibyl and I got connected via a mutual acquaintance over WhatsApp. From the very start, there was a special sense of connection and mutual respect that went beyond the texts and quips and bubbly quirks that made her stand out.
For me at least - there was more to it.
Over the course of our many conversations, I got to meet and engage with a person who, from humble, challenging and yet defining beginnings set a course from her native Nigeria to continuing her Higher Education in the US that would align with her sense of commitment, resilience, and growth.
As an accomplished scholar, she holds a PhD as an Assistant Professor at the University of Oklahoma Health & Sciences Center(OUHSC), with work focusing primarily in the Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR) area.
As an avid reader, she lists books among her most prized possessions. Something else we are both very much in accordance with.
As a lover of languages, she peeked my curiosity as, in preparation for this interview, I got curious and tried my luck at a few words in her native Yoruba as well as her adopted second-language, Korean.
As a fellow podcaster, Mo is the host of the wonderful "More Sibyl Podcast", where she and a wonderful gallery of culture nomads get to exchange on a variety of issues related to third culture.
This was a treat of an exchange. As the opportunity to sit and listen to a person which such sensibility and truth is a true privilege.
You can connect with Mo via Instagram & Facebook.
You can also contact Mo directly via email :

Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Greatness does not happen within the constraints of your comfort zone. I've come to learn this as a fact and, slowly but surely, am leaning in more and more into both accepting and applying it.
This was pretty much the catalyst that led to today's very particular exchange. I've been aware of my next guest throughout his various projects for a long time.
You could say he's a local celebrity of sorts. Having led the Montreal-based Haiti Ball Hockey Team to a World Championship in 2015, he's no stranger to overcoming the odds.
As a fierce entrepreneur, he is both the creator and host of the successful Voodoo Rendez-Vous YouTube series where he merges his intense, engaging personality with his love of broadcasting, community and culture.
He also a serves a Treasurer & Board Member of Fonds 1804 - a local non-profit doing great things in regards to empowering struggling secondary school students to persevere and achieve their academic goals.
But, in his words, as you'll soon get to hear, Ainslie Bien-Aimé, who most commonly goes by the familiar moniker, Black Voodoo X, is also a committed father, ferociously passionate about his kids and their overall success along their journey.
For many reasons, some obvious, some surprising, including one that really came outta nowhere toward the end, this was a very special recording for me. You could say it was because, with Black's incredible support and eagerness to force me to try something new, this was my first time doing an in-person interview, which is saying something. But, if I had to place it, I think it's because I got to meet an individual whose singular energy and willingness to completely open up about the truth of his success was a very touching experience.
When similar, powerful energies align in the same space, you notice.
Check out the video for the full interview on YouTube :
You can connect with Black via Instagram & Facebook.
On-Set Photography: Barnabé Solon
Kremas (Spirits): Glacée International
Custom Drinkware/Etching: PatMan Design

Friday Mar 20, 2020
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Solo Episode.
Reaching to everyone who's dealing with all the stress, anxiety and uncertainty that the past week has brought as the COVID-19 pandemic continues its course. We're all in this together. We're gonna get though this.

Friday Mar 13, 2020
Friday Mar 13, 2020
Solo Episode.
There's a virus out there. It's name is COVID-19. It's making a lot of people uncomfortable. My take.

Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
I believe the term Self-Love gets tossed around too much and way too loosely for my taste. At the core, what does it truly mean to love, celebrate, and empower your Self?
It takes a special kind of courage to chase your dream. What with all the limiting beliefs, clutching fear, notable uncertainty and debilitating doubt that comes with the crazy idea that the greatness that you seek is on the other end of your own audacious decision...that's a lot to wrestle with.
Now, here's a kicker - what if your dream required you to face your own insecurities about yourself? What if your dream was pretty much guaranteed to put you in the direct line of fire as it would surely offend what your cultural upbringing would consider socially acceptable? What if your dream, quite literally, demanded that you shed the layers, and bare it all?
These are just some of the incredible topics I had the privilege to discuss with my next guest. As a Muse, Nude Model, Poet, talented writer, and seasoned Entrepreneur, she provides engaging and thought-provoking insights expressed through her sensuality, erotic writing, ideas and visions.
She was born Jodelle Duverseau but, through an intense journey of personal truth and mindful empowerment, The Universe eventually revealed a wise and powerful being that bloomed into something more. Another powerful conversation which I do hope you'll enjoy.
You can connect with Jodelle via her official Instagram page as well as her official website.

Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Solo Episode. Taking the time, literally, to celebrate the wins. For the time being. And the times to come.