Awaken The Awesome
A down-to-earth approach to personal growth. Helping individuals just like you learn about tapping into their incredible potential through insightful interviews and inspiring lessons. Our mission is to encourage you to always keep pushing towards achieving your dreams and to stay awesome along the way.

Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
The entrepreneurial mindset is made up of a diverse array of essential aspects. We can talk about the patience and resilience that are necessary in order to overcome the unavoidable roadblocks that will surely arise when one chooses to go after their dream. Or the importance of never losing sight of one’s vision while toiling away and trying to fit the right pieces together in order to make said dream a reality.
These details certainly did not escape my next guest, Jeff Policard, whose story I'm thrilled to share with you on the program.
Born and raised in Haiti, Jeff grew up in a traditional household with the added blessing of an emphasis on music, given that Jeff's father is an iconic Jazz pianist and composer. With a definite passion to create, Jeff eventually emigrated to US to further his education and earn his degree.
By the merit of his own incredible efforts and despite some difficult circumstances, Jeff is currently the CEO of Cool Ideas Marketing, a dynamic and energetic Marketing firm aimed at providing their clients with the most innovative ideas and concepts to help their company reach its goals and beyond.
Jeff is also a dedicated husband and father, a role that he takes tremendous pride in and, by his own words, continues to fuel his daily efforts.
On this heartwarming and fun exchange, we get to hear Jeff's incredible journey as well as the many chapters and lessons that spawned from it: from stepping out from under our parent's shadow, to the resourcefulness that one has to develop when building a company from scratch, staying true to one's self, always putting in the work...and so much more.
You can connect with Jeff via Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube as well as his official website.
Also check out and subscribe to Jeff's "Getting Social" podcast available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
You can download the MP3 for this episode by right-clicking here and choosing "Save As"
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Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
I was a College dropout when I picked up the first Personal Finance book that I can truly say opened my eyes to the importance of Financial Literacy.
Ever since then, be it as a young man living in an apartment the size of a shoebox or as a married father of two, Money and its impact on our daily lives has always been on my mind.
There's a lot to be said about the seeds to be sown early and giving our children the proper tools that will help them achieve financial independence. Which is why my next guest felt so appropriate to have on the program.
"Give a man a fish, you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you'll feed him for a lifetime." This is certainly the motto that Guelita Pericles has proudly chosen to guide her mission as a Certified Financial Education Instructor.
From being a provider for her family at an early age to now teaching millennials how to master their finances & live the life they want through her catalogue of online courses and workshops, her journey is a testament to her amazing drive and commitment.
On this episode, Guelita shares her personal story written through pages of personal struggle but also, and most importantly with a voice that speak truth, dedication and discipline. We touch on the importance of proper financial literacy, the courage to take action, faith in the process and so much more.
You can connect with Guelita via Instagram, LinkedIn, as well as Facebook.
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Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
I have always been quite outspoken about my dedication to encourage a better conversation among Men in regards to their identity and purpose as I believe there is still a lot of work to be done in terms of both communication and mental health.
So when I got acquainted with my next guest and his similar efforts, it was only natural to extend an invitation to be a guest on the podcast.
Coach Michael Taylor is an entrepreneur, author, motivational speaker and radio and TV show host who has dedicated his life to empowering men and women to reach their full potential by transforming their lives from the inside out.
He knows first hand how to overcome adversity and build a rewarding and fulfilling life and he is sharing his knowledge and wisdom with others to support them in creating the life of their dreams.
He is the President & CEO of Creation Publishing Group - a company that specializes in creating programs and products that empower men to embrace a new paradigm of masculinity, supports them in being great husbands and fathers while also creating meaningful and rewarding lives.
On this episode, Coach Michael and I discuss the importance of vulnerability among men, the courage to accept ourselves for our strengths as well as our weaknesses, the necessary work to be done to shift the male perspective and so much more.
You can connect with Coach Michael via LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram as well as his official website.
Stay up to date - Subscribe to the podcast and get the latest episodes as soon they're published.
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Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Growing up in a Third World country but having had the privilege to make a life abroad has taught me a lot about gratitude and resilience. Two very useful tools I believe are essential in anyone's arsenal along their journey.
Having also been raised by a pair of solid overachievers who did not shy away from instilling a sense of duty and strive for excellence in their children was something I also benefited from.
These are but a few of the elements that resonated with me as I took the time to read up on my next guest and her many incredible achievements.
While it is true that circumstances such as financial resources, cultural background, family upbringing all play a significant part in one's journey, I truly believe that the power of the the mind and the choice to elevate one's self beyond these challenges remains the deciding factor between Success and Complacency.
From the slums of Lagos, Nigeria, to brokering million-dollar deals for global telecom giants, Jane Egerton-Idehen is most definitely an accurate description of a storybook rags-to-riches story.
A telecommunication executive with over 17 years of experience in the Nigerian, Liberian and Ghanaian telecommunications markets, she holds an Engineering degree from the University of Nigeria and an MBA from the Warwick Business School, in the UK, as well as an Executive education from both Harvard Business School and Yale School of Management.
She is also the author of the powerful new book "Be Fearless: Give Yourself Permission To Be You" where Jane draws from her emotional journey to talk about women for women, as well as the men who love, nurture, support, and work with them whether both at home as well as the office.
On this episode, Jane and I discuss the importance of mindset, what it means to be fearless, the value of a strong education, always seeking knowledge in order to grow, never watering down your dreams fro anyone, and so much more...
It was an honour to sit down with such an amazing woman, a kind heart and a wise soul, whose warmth and smile made this a truly powerful exchange indeed.
You can connect with Jane via LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram as well as her official website.
Be sure to grab a copy of her amazing book available now
Stay up to date - Subscribe to the podcast and get the latest episodes as soon they're published.
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Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Some people cross your path in Life, you don't ask yourself why - you just open up your mind and heart and you just run with it.
If there's one thing I've learned from these amazing exchanges, it's the fact that there's something to be said for humility and personal truth.
My next guest and I haven't known each other that long but from the very first interaction and throughout the wonderful opportunities since, I've gotten to know a truly radiating soul.
The calm yet profound sense of presence and mindfulness that Sarah Rose brings into a space is something that cannot be overlooked. Talking with her is both a privilege and experience. You get this sense of intentional clarity and generosity of time and self that encourages you to do the same and reciprocate. Come to think it, this shouldn't really come as a surprise given her background as both a Certified Life Coach, Mindfulness Meditation Teacher as well as a Master in Neurolinguistic Programming.
Through her practice and coaching programs, Sarah aims to help and empower people just like you to train their brains to transform their bodies into the healthiest and happiest they can be.
As a fellow podcaster and host of The Mind Body Academy podcast, THE weight loss podcast for entrepreneurs and business-minded people who want to overcome the struggle with their weight, Sarah aims to make health and happiness the business of how you get ahead in life.
This episode is packed with insightful perspective and genuine energy. We discuss the discomfort of having to be alone with our 'self', embracing the truth of our being with both clarity and acceptance, having the courage to question and reshape our thoughts, the stigma that comes from talking about Mental Health and so much more...
Another amazing conversation which I do hope you'll enjoy.
You can connect with Sarah via Instagram, Facebook as well as her official website.
Stay up to date - Subscribe to the podcast and get the latest episodes as soon they're published.
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Remember to leave a comment and let us know how we're doing. Either on our official website of via email :

Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
When you have the opportunity to come across someone who knows more than you do and who's willing to share their knowledge with you, take my advice and just remember to do these two very simple things : Shut Up & Listen. Otherwise, you will most likely miss out on some pretty amazing piece of truth and valuable information which, in all honesty, could definitely change your life.
This next conversation was no different.
Benoit Chalifoux is a highly sought-after international speaker with well over 500 conferences(and counting) given to various companies of all sizes spread across North America, Africa and Europe.
He serves as Deputy Director of International Affairs at the School of Management of the University of Quebec in Montreal(ESG UQAM).
As a seasoned Lecturer, his expertise covers a vast array of noteworthy topics ranging from Entrepreneurship, to Business Development and Cross-Cultural Management as well as his admittedly personal favorite: Soft Skills.
He holds an Executive Master in Business (EMBA) Degree from the Université Paris Dauphine as well as an MBA & BAA from the University of Quebec in Montreal.
Benoit is also the co-author of the recently published "Saisir Sa Chance"(Seize your chance), a book that skillfully displays the similarities and tactics that can be taken from the world of sports and be successfully applied in the the arenas of entrepreneurship and business.
On this episode, Benoit's infectious passion and genuine willingness to share his expertise forces me to take notes as we dive into the topic of Soft Skills, Emotional Intelligence, Self Actualization, Mindset Shift...and so much more.
I learned a lot on this one and hopefully so will you. Enjoy
You can connect with Benoit via LinkedIn as well as his official website.

Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
To say that my next guest, Max De La Cruz, and I hit it off from Day 1 is an understatement.
You guys know this: save for the initial introduction and booking process leading to recording day, the conversations I have the honor of sharing on this podcast are oftentimes the first interaction I have with the guest, .
While I will admit there is some level of risk involved in such a process, I can tell you for a fact that there's a huge and resounding takeaway when you get to connect with someone who, in all honesty, truly happens to be on the same wavelength as you on so many levels.
To keep things simple, let's draw up a checklist so you can see what I mean...
Dedicated Father - check
Loving Husband - check
Fun-loving playfulness - check
Content creator & vlogger - check
Ferocious Entrepreneur - check
Author - well, that's still an item I need to knock off my personal bucket list but you guys get the idea.
On this episode, Max and I kick back and dive into a wide array of topics near and dear to both our hearts such as leading by example given the current pandemic, the importance of being present as opposed to simply giving presents, self-awareness, Manhood, The Grind, Mental Health...suffice to say that this was indeed a jam-packed episode and another exciting conversation, which I do hope you'll enjoy.
You can connect with Max via Facebook, Instagram, as well as YouTube.

Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
The most honest thing one can do in terms of catering to your personal growth is admitting what you don't know. Having the vulnerability to approach things with both humility as well as curiosity is a big step.
I did not know about ADHD. I'd heard about the condition and like everyone else, had my own pre-conceived notion of what it was.
Parenting is about trial and error. When our daughter started displaying some particular character traits and noticeable signs such as absent-mindedness, hyperactivity, fidgeting...I can't say I picked up on it at first glance. My wife had her concerns but I was the one to brush things off as benign childish behaviour.
I had to admit there was more to it. I felt I had a responsibility to put in the time, patience and empathy not to judge, or throw my hands up in resignation but actually shift my perspective and hopefully give myself, and my daughter the necessary tools that would help rather than hinder her.
Which is why I was thrilled when Dr. Katherine Quie graciously accepted my invitation to be a guest the podcast.
As a Texan-turned-Minnesotan, with a passion in supporting youth and families impacted by ADHD, Katherine is a licensed child and adolescent psychologist with more than 20 years of experience specializing in pediatric neuropsychological assessment and treating children with developmental disorders, such as ADHD and Autism.
As a speaker, advocate and creative spirit, Katherine is also a caring, married mother of two and the author of the touching memoir "Raising Will: Surviving the Brilliance and Blues of ADHD", where she chronicles her own, truthful journey of navigating the zigs, zags and in-betweens of parenting a child with ADHD.
I want to thank Katherine for her time and knowledgeable insight in helping this humble dad do better by his little girl. Another amazing conversation which I hope you'll enjoy.
You can connect with Katherine via Facebook, Instagram, as well as her official website.

Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
This episode was a long time coming.
Recorded some months ago, at a time before the current pandemic threw all of us for a loop and social-political turmoil was not making such a resonating impact, I never fail to be reminded that everything happens in due time.
I have a tremendous respect for my next guest and his many achievements.
Malik Shaheed is the personification of entrepreneurship and dedication.
A local icon of sorts, having been at the forefront of pioneering & championing the Quebec Rap movement for the over a decade, his notable contribution as an artist, producer and promoter cannot be understated.
As a prominent celebrity reporter and interviewer, with a resumé featuring some of the top names in both music & entertainment the likes of Kanye West, Snoop Dogg, & Beyoncé just to name a few, you have to give it up for a young kid born in a low-income housing in Montreal's Little Burgundy.
As a TV Host and Media personality, he's helmed and hosted a gallery of programs, notable events and celebrity galas.
But a cause that remains at the forefront of his efforts and motivations is giving back to the community and especially to the youth through a variety of advocacy and mentorship programs.
Knowing how busy he is, it was an honour to pick his brain for what was indeed a short but empowering conversation. Another exciting exchange, which I hope you'll enjoy.
You can connect with Malik via Facebook, Instagram, as well as his official website.
Be sure to check out and show your support to the Youth Stars Foundation, a local Montreal non-profit committed to fostering life skills, self-esteem and strengthening interpersonal skills through a variety of youth programs and workshops.

Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
There are no words to faithfully pinpoint the sense of appreciation I have for my next guest.
A connection that happened purely by coincidence has since evolved into a wonderful and growing friendship.
Through various exchanges, I got to know an individual whose colourful sense of vulnerability and personal truth, topped off with a personality that some might consider somewhat brash, revealed to be just some of his many endearing qualities.
But don't let the foul-mouthed, tattooed, gray-haired, unapologetic persona fool you. Dennis Gable is certainly one of the hardest workers out there. Brand Producer & Consultant, Self-Worth Strategist, Podcaster...just to name a few of his many talents.
But to me, it's even more personal - Dennis is a truly courageous and heartwarming individual. The kind whose brutal honesty is a gift rather than a nuisance. You need more people like that in your corner.
On this episode, Dennis and I exchange on vulnerability, coming to terms with your personal demons, taking ownership of your own responsibility in the process, trauma and recovery...and so much more.
Please be aware that the some of the topics and language might not be suitable for some audiences. Listener discretion is advised.
You can connect with Dennis via Facebook, Instagram, as well as his official website.
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the Self To Society podcast, available on all your favorite podcast platforms.